Many women want beautiful eyebrows, so they turn to threading and home remedies to make them thicker. But there’s a hidden danger: eyebrow threading might be harming their health.

Recent news reported that some women who thread their eyebrows regularly are getting a serious condition called ‘systemic sarcoidosis.’ This illness weakens the immune system and causes lung problems.

Two women who regularly threaded their eyebrows also got microblading, a tattooing technique for fuller brows. But instead of beautiful results, they got red marks. Doctors found out they had sarcoidosis by testing their skin.

This shows that eyebrow grooming might not be as harmless as it seems. It’s important to think about health, not just beauty.

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By Noor Afroz

"I'm Noor Afroz, a dedicated article writer holding a Master's degree in Mass Communication. Currently, I'm actively contributing to and my writing journey has taken me through various other websites. I'm passionate about providing valuable information through my articles. Feel free to reach out to me at for any inquiries or collaborations."

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